Tuesday 23 October 2018

Community Pantry Week 1

Hey all,

This week in the garden we harvested the leftover vegetables to take over to the food pantry.  Our kids wanted to do this to give back to the community.  We did offer to cook it and eat it ourselves.  But, some understand the struggles and wanted to donate to this incentive.

Wednesday 10 October 2018

Kapoti Mea'ai- Pataka Kai Rowandale!!!!

Kia Ora Whanau and Friends!

At the start of the holidays there was a Community Pantry set up on Rowandale Road, almost adjacent from Aarts Ave. This was terrific news for our Student Garden because it was brimming with lush, leafy green produce that was ready for harvest.
Maya Angelou once said: When you learn, teach, when you get, give...
Image result for quote about when you get you give
Thank you to the Rowandale/Manurewa community for giving our students mahi and determination a place to go during the school holidays. We were able to fill our whole car boot with vegetables!
Silverbeet is full of iron! Here's a quick recipe for using Silverbeet:

We pulled out plenty of other greens! Delicious and healthy eating is in store. There was also a couple of heads of cabbage!
This is Liam Laulu, super keen and energetic in the student gardens. He enjoyed knowing that other people will be able to eat Rowandale School's efforts!
This is Sakalia Laulu, Liam's brother, he loves helping others and his Mum (Miss Atkins from Aroha 2).
Great to see that others had visited the pantry with yummy produce!
If you have any non-perishable's or perishable's that you would like to donate- please feel free to drop them in. We had several people check us out as they drove by. It's in a really good location and it's so good to know our kai would be eaten by people of our community!
Hope you have all had a safe holiday, See you back at school on Monday everybody! We love Maya Angelou's words- "When you learn, teach... When you get, GIVE."

Thursday 10 May 2018

Community Rubbish Clean Up!


The enviro-group have started a mission this term.  
They are going to clean our streets literally. This week they took to the streets and started with a rubbish pick up.  We are learning to show Empathy and Respect for our community. This will be done every week on Wednesday lunchtime if others would like to join us. Our aim is to clean the street and help with prevention.

Thanks Young Avengers (Enviro-Group)